Tag Archives: Hiroyuki Hattori

Architecture Driven by Stories

Kime to Kehai – Texture and Sense Artists: Anni LEPPÄLÄ, Assistant [MATSUBARA Megumi + ARIYAMA Hiroi], NOMURA Makoto, HOKI Nobuya Curators: KONDO Yuki, HATTORI Hiroyuki (ACAC) Aomori Contemporary Art Centre (ACAC), Aomori, Japan July 28 – September 17, 2012  HIROYUKI HATTORI There are types of architecture for which associated narratives rather than their designs are critical to the determination of their value. Now in its final stages of construction, the work House of 33 Years [fig.1] by Assistant, the architecture studio formed by ARIYAMA Hiroi and MATSUBARA Megumi, is also a piece of architecture of that kind, accompanied by countless fascinating stories. Those stories are not necessarily created intentionally by the architect’s hand, but rather,… Continue reading

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