Tag Archives: Beatrice Leanza

Mellow Fever: Some Notes on the Rhetoric of the Asian Image and the Temporality of Realism

Mellow Fever, Group Exhibition curated by Simon Castets Galerie des Galeries, Paris April 23–June 14, 2008 BEATRICE LEANZA Modernism is dominant but dead. –Jurgen Habermas In 1980, when Habermas first delivered the paper “Modernity—An Incomplete Project,” in Frankfurt, Germany, Western modernist culture had long been demonstrating a ceaseless retreat and negation of, and rebellion against, all that was generated from the irreconcilable nature of the aesthetic and social spheres. Yet, since the very inception of the project of modernity, formulated by eighteenth-century Enlightenment philosophers as a total program in which science, morality, and art would have prompted the betterment of world- and self-understanding with the utopian promise of happiness for… Continue reading

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