Megumi Matsubara participated in Salzburg Global Seminar, and discussed the theme “Parks for the Planet – Nature and Childhood: From Research and Activism to Policies for Global Change” ~ Session 608
The Parks for the Planet Forum is a ten-year collaboration to reconnect people and nature in a urbanized world. Launched in 2015, it aims to improve human and societal wellbeing by expanding access to nature-rich urban spaces, increasing investments in urban conservation, and creating dynamic partnerships between people, cities, and protected area systems.
Invited by Salzburg Global Seminar, coordinated by Program Director Dominic Regester and the team.
All participants:
* Karen Keenleyside [Vice Chair for People and Parks, IUCN WCPA, Co-Chair, IUCN #NatureForAll, Senior Advisor, #NatureForAll, Parks Canada, Canada]
* Hiroi Ariyama [Co-Founder, Assistant Architecture Firm, Japan]
* Maria Auma [Founder and Managing Partner, Blue Luxury Investments (BLI), Uganda]
* Dima Boulad [Designer and Co-Founder, Beirut Green Project, Lebanon]
* Neil Coleman [Mentor OPAL Midlands, Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL), UK]
* Priya Cook [Principal Associate, Connecting Children to Nature, National League of Cities, USA]
* Katalin Czippán [International Consultant, Education and Communication for Sustainable Development Issues, National University of Public Service (NUPS), Hungary]
* Jack Graham [Journalist, Apolitical, UK]
* Anabel Gulias Torreiro [Councilor, Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG), City Council of Pontevedra, Spain]
* Charlotte Kalanzi [Environmental Education Officer, C&L Fumigation and Cleaning Co. Ltd., Uganda]
* Margaret Lamar [Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Children and Nature, USA]
* Sabelo Lindani [Head of Green Futures College, Grootbos Foundation, South Africa]
* Miguel Lores [Mayor of Pontevedra, Spain]
* Karen MacLean [Co-Founder, The Green free School (Den Grønne Friskole), Denmark]
* Heather Nonhlanhla Maseko [Assistant National Coordinator, Civil Society Network on Climate Change, Malawi]
* Megumi Matsubara [Co-Founder, Assistant Architecture Firm, Japan]
* Andrew Moore [Director of Youth and Young Adult Connection, National League of Cities, USA]
* Joanna Nurse [Strategic Advisor, InterAction Council, UK]
* Meg Otieno [National Coordinator/CEO, Wildlife Clubs of Kenya, Kenya]
* Alex Plum [Director, Development & Innovation, The Global Health Initiative Henry Ford Health System, USA]
* Antonio Luiz Prieto Méndez [Head of Communication and Press,Pontevedra’s City Council, Spain]
* Cath Prisk [Global Partnerships Director, Project Dirt, UK]
* Stephanie Sanderson [Consultant, World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), UK]
* Sean Southey [Chief Executive Officer, PCI Media Impact & Chair, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC), USA]
* Tan Suwanprik [Local Coordinator for Achieving Low Carbon Growth in Cities Through Sustainable Urban System Management, Thailand]
* Adrian Voce [President, European Network for Child Friendly Cities, Author of Policy for Play (Policy Press, 2015), UK]
> Salzburg Global Seminar
> More about Session 608
Photo © Sean Southey